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unit delta plus



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Unit Delta Plus studio
Unit Delta Plus was an organisation set up in 1966 by Delia Derbyshire, Brian Hodgson and Peter Zinovieff to create electronic music and also promote its use in television, film and advertising. The Unit Delta Plus studio was based in Peter Zinovieff's townhouse in Deodar Road, Putney, London.

In 1966 they held an electronic music festival at the Watermill Theatre near Newbury, Berkshire, England. Delia said of the event: "We had an evening of electronic music and light effects. The music was indoors, in a theatre setting, with a screen on which were projected light shows done by lecturers from the Hornsey College of Art.
It was billed as the first concert of British electronic music; that was a bit presumptious! John Betjeman was there... he sat in the front row and went to sleep... it was quite a social occasion."

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Million Volt Rave Flyer
Perhaps the most famous event that Unit Delta Plus participated in was the 1967 Million Volt Light and Sound Rave at London's Chalk Farm roundhouse, organised by designers Binder, Edwards and Vaughan (who had previously been hired by Paul McCartney to decorate a piano). The event took place over two nights (January 28th and February 4th 1967) and included a performance of tape music by Unit Delta Plus, as well as a playback of the legendary Carnival of Light, a fourteen minute sound collage assembled by McCartney around the the time of the Beatles' Penny Lane sessions.

Unit Delta Plus split in 1967 after a traumatic performance at the Royal College of Art.

Here we present a full copy of the 1966 Watermill Theatre event programme... the track timings are very approximate!

This was Moogies Bloogies' first and perhaps only public airing until 2001. A full-length MP3 version can be found on our MP3 clips page.

Agnus Dei is included on Space Age Recordings' Interface compilation, which can be purchased through Amazon UK.